Sunday, January 31, 2010

Our Family Day...

Today we also had a free day on the calendar so I proposed having a family outing day. I was envisioning going to Disneyland, riding the Metro train to some place new, or heading to a museum. Ron chose the activity and we ended up at..... wait for it....

Lowe's hardware store to pick out my Valentine's gift! What romantic thing were we getting:

a new kitchen faucet! I am actually really excited about my gift as our current faucet recently began squirting out of the side of the spigot....

We always manage to make every outing fun-- so even though it wouldn't have been my first choice I was glad to spend the day with my family!

We also went out to lunch at Chili's which we haven't been to in ages! They have a whole new menu with a really tasty steak sandwich!!

Thanks Daddy for a fun family day!

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