Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dinner at BJ's

Happy Veteran's Day to all the men and women who have served our country. A special shout-out to Dad, Ronald, Pop, Uncle John, Grandpa, and our older relatives who served.

Today we were in a holding pattern waiting to hear about Nana. Things aren't looking good so I went to speak with my priest-- three deaths in one year of close family members is just too much to bear. She gave me some good advice and basically just let me cry.

Ron spent his day off entertaining Libi and cleaning the house, which hasn't been high on my priority list lately. What a great husband I have to not complain about that :)

We needed to get out of the house for a bit, so we had a belated birthday dinner at BJ's.

Libs loved the fact that her crayons matched her straws.

For my birthday Ron and Libs got me a chocolate frog...

and the new Neil Diamond CD!!!

It was a nice escape from life and great to spend some time with my two favorite people.

Recent Libi-isms:

-Libi has taken to "Why did the chicken cross the road?" jokes. Some of her responses to her joke are:
"But because he wasn't afraid of anything."
"But because he was happy."
"But because he died."
"But because he loved acorns."
"But because he didn't love acorns."

-"You are the best family I've ever had in my whole life!"

-"I have lots of options in my head."

-L: I want to go to Mic n Donalds.
R: Well that's not an option today.
L: I will just go myself!

-I might have already typed this one before, but it's too good to not be sure that you hear it:
"Daddy, you are ruining my life." When he told her it was time for bed. Heaven help us in a few years when she's a teenager :)

1 comment:

Dolly said...

We've been almost 15 days with out an adventure..... I need a Libi and mommy's adventure fix =)