Sunday, November 14, 2010

Being still...

The shock is still setting in about the huge loss in our family. Today I cried my way through church and then afterward we told Libi... or more accurately, Ron told Libi as I sobbed next to him. She didn't really grasp what was happening and she wanted to go visit Nana in heaven. This will take some time to get used to!

We went for lunch to Pop's house to meet up with Jammy, Granpa, and Pop.

Ron, Libi and Pop created a masterpiece-- it's nice that some things don't change.

We went home and just enjoyed time together.

There was lots of cuddling!

Then Libi decided to lighten the mood by dressing up Tobee.

I think she looks smashing as a princess!

Love this pose-- Tobee with her eyes pleading, "Take this off please" and Libi asking "Daddy take this photo soon!"

As Mom drove home to Stockton she stopped to take a photo of the sunset. Nana always loved sunsets-- she took tons of sunset photos in Hawaii.

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