Sunday, May 31, 2009

Wagon photos for Jammy

Today Libs and Ron hung out at home while I went to a baby shower for Michele (my partner from Skipper Club.) It was nice for me to get out and for Ron to spend some quality time with Libi after this crazy week when he's been home so late.When I got home I did a photo shoot with Libi in the backyard.You see, for Christmas I made my Mom a scrapbook based around Libi's red wagon (which my parents gave her for Chirstmas.)Every month we take a picture of Libi in her wagon to add to the book.This month with so much going on we had neglected to take the photos until today. Sadly, Libi was not in the mood to pose in the wagon she was much happier collecting leaves.Eventually after some bribing with chocolate (I was channeling Jammy) she concented to get in.She kept chanting, "Jammy, Jammy!"I'm just thankful that one little piece of chocolate can coax her into submission-- I should try this with potty training!!I'm posting this picture for Nana-- she still has expressive toes!!Here you can see her latest boo-boo. It's on her right foot and was incurred when she stood behind the door from the garage to the house and Daddy opened it on her.After one final hug for the was off to the races!!!

On a funny note:
-at music class I called Libi a "screaming me-me" and she turned and said, "I want to see Meme!" I guess I need to be more careful what I say.
-today we saw Goofy on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. When she saw him she began to impersonate him by saying, "Beep, beep, ha-yuck!" This was from an episode she saw the other day where Goofy gets stranded on Mars. She really gets things stuck in her head!!
-we are obsessed with the movie Cars for the moment. While she was playing with her dolls today I heard her say, "The customers are coming!" Miss Sally (from Radiator Springs) would be proud!!!

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