Saturday, May 30, 2009

First "swimming" of the summer...

After a very lazy day at home we pulled out the kiddie pool for the first official "swim" of summer.Libs wore her crocodile bathing suit from Jammy... which prompted her to say, "Snap" when she saw it!! I hope that she was saying that to imitate what the crocs jaws do and not to adopt 90's slang!!!Tobee and Libi had fun filling up the pool.Tobee was a great lifeguard...until she tried to swim along with Libi.It's so funny to watch her splash and swim away in a tiny pool-- I guess it's the simple things that lead to the greatest joy!It was a beautiful day, with a bit of a brisk breeze but Libs didn't seem to mind.There was lots of splashing, diving, and hopping in the pool.A big finish--- "Ta-da!!!" What a fun day in the water.

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