Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Feeding ducks... and ourselves...

We were lucky enough to be able to take Ron with us to lunch at Nana and Pop's today.Libi spent her time when we first arrived pouring over the American Girl catalog. I wonder which doll she'll gravitate too-- just not my Kirsten doll :)Libi has been serving iced tea to all of us. I think it's funny because when she's asked what kind of tea she's serving she always looks at us like, DUH "Iced tea!" of course!!Libi is so happy when she's visiting her great grandparents!!Especially when Daddy comes too and is in a very silly, sleep deprived mood!Before lunch was served Daddy helped Libs put together this smashing ensemble!!Coincidence or gifted child: you be the judge! When we were getting ready to sit down Libs began counting things. She said, "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine tomatoes." I tried to correct her and say there are only eight tomatoes, but Ron pointed out that there was a little slice under the third tomato from the bottom so there were in fact, 9!!!After lunch it was time for the customary, "Pop, watch Elmo!" So we all headed into the TV room for some Sesame Street. They were examining skin with a magnifying glass so Nana got out one so Libi could play along.Libs decided to try out something new for shoes-- this box was definitely making a statement, but it wasn't much for comfort!
When she laid on the floor and covered herself up, we knew it was time for a nap!For dinner we took Ron to Bristol Farms pasta night, which Libi and I had been to the previous week. We all enjoyed our meal and then browsing the aisles of this amazing store.After a short dance break...We took a walk down to the pond to feed the ducks. Mommy was far more prepared this time, bringing bread to share with our feathered friends.Libs took to feeding the ducks really well. She broke off bread and tossed it into the pond.You may notice a very brazen duck right next to Ron's knee-- they really came close to all of us!They even tried to sneek up behind-- poor Ron he's surounded!It was a great family day! We are just so happy to all be back together!

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