When we arrived at school we found a cute little mouse on the wall-- it didn't have a contribution from Libs. When I asked her if she took a guess about the book she told me she did. I guess this mouse just ran out of whiskers.
They put some cute photos they took last week on display. Here is Libs during snack time.
She went straight into the room and started playing-- I think she's getting more comfortable.
Libi really enjoyed the apple prints today-- she made a darling painted apple!
At the end of the day Libi asked Miss Leslie why her prediction wasn't on the poster. She corrected the situation right away! So, what would Libi do if a mouse came to her class: "Chase it with a broom!"
While I chatted with some parents Libs danced away...
she wore her flag shirt as a carry over from Patriot Day yesterday...
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