Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Two feasts in one day...

Today my little turkey took in some Thanksgiving gifts for her teachers. It was a very special day at SCLP-- the day of the feast!

All the kids donned their hats before the feast.

Libi looked darling in hers-- even if she put the feathers on upside down!

Miss Caroline looked pretty cute too :)

Miss Abla and I sat at one Owl table and Miss Caroline and Catherine's Mom sat at the other.

The food was amazing!!! Turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, cornbread, stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, and pumpkin pie-- quite a spread that was enjoyed by all!

A few short hours later we repeated the whole thing at Cris and Ron's house.

We won't be spending Thanksgiving with them this year, so we decided to do an early dinner together.

Grampy liked Libi's hat :)

It was nice to sit down with everyone and have some time together. If there is one thing that I've learned this year it is to enjoy every moment together.... and to take lots and lots of pictures!!!!

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