Thursday, November 4, 2010

A final farewell...

On this very rainy day...

we had to say a final goodbye to Uncle Bill.

We were not prepared for all the rain (hence Libi wearing a skirt). Thankfully Aunt Linda brought us some umbrellas to stand under.

His final resting place is very near my grandparents in a really cool, old cemetery.

One final dry moment to throw on a Nana-made hat before we braved the elements.

I haven't been here since after my grandfather was buried, so it was nice to see my Grandmom's name on the headstone.

My grandfather served in the military in WWII and there is this cool marker next to his grave.

After a very brief ceremony...

it was time for hugs...

and a quick photo of the fall leaves which were now on the ground.

Uncle Bill had spent the past few years remodeling his house, so we took a spin by it to show Dad what a nice job he had done.

My Uncle and his friends met at various diners four times a week for meals.

In his honor, the family gathered at the Golden Eagle Diner for lunch.

There were lots of squishy photos,

stories told,

good food consumed,

and a chance to make some new memories with Lori and Joyce.

For a much needed fun break we spent some time in the afternoon inside a play area in the mall.

We met up with Cousin Debbie and her grandson Anthony.

There was tons to do in this play area: draw,

play basketball,

make music,

look at the amazingly cool Star Wars poster which is on our must-get-list from Toys R Us!!!

There was even a bounce house!!!!

But Libi's favorite thing was the karaoke machine!!!

It had a working mic,

and a camera so you could see yourself on TV.

My daughter was HOOKED!!!

They even had a dog named Patches who came out to play with the kids for a bit.

Libi and Anthony had fun getting to know each other...

and Mom and Debbie loved catching up!

Hopefully we will get to see them again soon :)

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