Thursday, November 25, 2010

A transition Thanksgiving...

This morning, bright and early we got on the road and headed up north.

Libi was a good sport for the drive playing with her toys and singing along to all the music.

We decided not to bring Tobee on this trip, so we were able to make a few extra long stops.

We spent some quality time with the animals at Bravo Farms.

There were so many nooks and crannies there that we had yet to discover.

We found some coins...

and used them on the food machines.

The donkeys were very happy that Daddy found some coins.

We also fed the birds...

no it wasn't tuppence a bag-- it was a quarter a handful.

While we missed Toots-- it was kind of nice to both be out of the car at the same time.

We tried to get a photo of Libs on the ride-- but this is the only angle she would offer up :)

Who says we don't have Fall in California-- look at those leaves change color.

Once we got to Stockton it was time for the Thanksgiving festivities to begin!

Libi was willing to share her hat with Pop-- what a good little sharer!!!

The gals gabbed while the boys drank wine and watched football--- that pretty much sums up every Borsting Thanksgiving.

Ron tried to coax Libs into recording a message for the family back home...

it was kind of like pulling teeth. You would think our super animated girl would love it, but she played coy.

I think Jammy was happy that we made it to Stockton for the holiday.

Before dinner Libi and Pop played with her blocks. They built some really cool towers and the longest line of blocks I've ever seen.

Dinner was yummy!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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