Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day two of having a two-year old!

Today we had a nice quiet morning/afternoon-- Mommy even got to take a nap!! This evening we had a great dinner with Ron's family and Libs got to blow out her first Birthday candles of the year.Add VideoShe was so focused on getting the candles blown out, it was funny. She loved her cake-- big surprise-- and her favorite part was the frosting (just like Mommy!)

Aunt Andrea gave Libi a Sock Monkey in a Box toy. It was her first real Jack in the Box with the crank and the traditional song and all. She knows the song and the concept from the Wiggles, but seeing it in person was very funny!!!

She has done this same routine for every time the monkey pops out. She is such a drama queen!!!

Since Grammy, Grampy and Aunt Andrea left she has been watching Tinkerbell. Amazingly she knows almost all of the dialog and the song at the end. She has her Mommy's tallent of memorizing songs and movies quickly-- that's my girl!!!!

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