Monday, September 20, 2010

Fall in California...

I slept better than I have in months-- listening to the sound of the ocean all night long.

Libs and I lounged for a bit...

and then we headed out to see what Avila Beach had to offer.

One final picture of our hotel and we were off! (By the way, it was an amazingly family friendly place. If you are ever in Avila Beach check it out: Inn at Avila Beach.

Our first stop was a local farm called Avila Valley Barn.

They had tons of amazing produce...

and some that the kids could feed to the animals (all for 25 cents!)

They were beginning their fall decorating today, so it was full of lots of fresh autumn color.

Libs loved feeding all of the animals.

They had sheep,

goats, donkeys, emus (which you couldn't feed), chickens, peacocks, and ducks.

When the food was done Libi stayed to talk to the goats...

and give them a little rub down.

We got a quick picture of Libs on the pumpkins in between the workers stacking them.

Our amazing breakfast consisted of a freshly baked pumpkin muffin...

and a peach for Libs.

Our next stop was to a local apple farm called Gopher Glen.

We thought we could pick apples there...

but they only do tastings.

We tried twelve different types of apples (YUM!)

and did some shopping in their store. I brought home lots of apples and some apple cider-- next time I will take a cooler so I can bring home one of their freshly frozen apple pies.

Since we only had until noon to explore we decided to spend our final hour on the beach!

After her confidence building trip to Long Beach, Libi had no fear today!

I even had to call her back a few times since she just kept walking farther into the water.

Again I was unprepared and didn't bring a suit or a towel-- you would think I would have learned my lesson on Saturday.

The weather was gorgeous and the waves were pretty mild.

Libs and I had fun in the water....

and then we decided to play in the sand.

Libi made a royal mess of herself...

but I guess that's what the beach is all about.

We grabbed Daddy, headed to a candy store on Avila Beach to get cinnamon taffy and then left to head home.

Actually we headed the opposite direction of home to Apple Farm Restaurant. When I was a kid my family would ALWAYS hit this place on our way up or down the coast. I have lots of fond memories of dining her with my parents and Nana and Pop-- so I wanted to share it with Ron and Libi.

Libi really enjoyed Daddy's chili!

We think it was her first chili experience, but we're certain it won't be her last!

The place was exactly as I remembered it! Lots of darling things in the shop, yummy food, and a glass case full of amazing baked goods!

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