Monday - Daddy went to work registration today and Mommy and Libs hung out at the house. At about 1 p.m. we went to Rio Norte to help Patti finish out the day. Mommy really likes counting up the checks and making sure that everything balances.
Afterwards we went to Sam's Club and did some shopping. Mommy let Daddy take Libs home and then she went to Albertson's for more shopping. When she finally got home, she made dinner, and the family all ate together at our little butcher block table.
Tuesday - We went to Disneyland for the 4th time today-- one final family outing before Daddy returns to work. It was a late start, we didn't get to the park until 12:30, but it was perfect! We went to Toontown to see Mickey, went on the Jungle Cruise for the first time, went back to the Tiki Room and Libs saw her first parade! We left about 4:15 and made it home by about 5:30. We spent the evening relaxing, Daddy made dinner, and Libs nearly crawled backwards under the sofa.
Wednesday- Mommy and Libs got back into our old routine today as Daddy headed back to work. It was quite a shock to Mommy's system to be all on her own for the day--- she really missed Daddy. Libs is all over the place-- crawling backward, playing with all her toys, and drum roll please........ today we found her very first tooth!!!!!
Jammy came into town at about 3:30. Mommy went upstairs to take a shower and the two girls played. During their play, Libs began gnawing on Jams and she made the discovery. When Mommy came downstairs Jammy said, "You didn't tell me Libi had her first tooth."
Mommy replied, "No she doesn't!" Then Jammy proceeded to show her-- sure enough the lower right tooth is poking out.
We spent the rest of the evening calling everyone we could think of to tell them about our tooth. Mommy made dinner for everyone and Grampy and Grandmalito came over for a visit. Daddy spent several more hours tonight in his room trying to get his stuff ready for Monday.
Tomorrow Mommy will go to Mint Canyon to cover Amy's class for a few moments while she takes Emma to kindergarten for the first time, Jammy will babysit before we go to Nana and Pop's for lunch and Daddy will be back at work.
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