Today we got packed up for a long stretch in Stockton.
Ron packed light-- he's only here for two days-- but Libi and I have bags for days!
We have lots of fun on our five hour drives-- today we are taking you along with us.
Libi always has toys, books, and anything else she can smuggle inside her backpack.
We do try to schedule the drive to coincide with naptime...
Tobee takes good care of Libi while she's asleep-- she also enjoys the silence!
This trip we made lots of stops. It was our very first time to Pumpkin Center. We got lunch at the Sonic Drive In here.
On the drive we make lots of potty stops-- Ron and I take turns taking the Pee Pee Princess (she inherited my nickname.)
Ron needed caffeine so we made another stop in Kingsburg...
It is a Dutch town with windmills, lots of flowers, and this fun horse in front of the Micken Donalds.
As we stop we watch our arrival time get later.... and later!
That doesn't seem to phase Libi who after an all too brief nap is ready to go!!!
When we finally get off the freeway we roll down the windows...
which makes Tobee smile!
When we finally see the entrance to the Windmill housing tract we are all relieved!
For dinner we went to my new favorite, the Velvet Grill.
Libi was excited to eat her corndog and I was thrilled to have my French Toast again.
Libi hasn't asked for a funny face photo for a while... so I had to oblige when she asked.
Their hand-made ice cream is still a winner with Libi!